Meditation Programs
The Blue Lotus offers Guided Meditation Sessions that focus on Mindfulness and Lovingkindness. The Guided Meditation Sessions are one hour long and include a Lovingkindness (Metta) Meditation and a Mindfulness Meditation, followed by Chanting from our devotional booklets lead by the Monastics. The session concludes with a wisdom talk (Dhamma) teaching about the application of Buddhist principles in our everyday personal practice.
Buddha’s Teaching & Discussion
You will find many offerings throughout the year that support the application of Buddhist principles to everyday life – from day long retreats lead by our Monastics and other visiting teachers to regular Sutta Study classes that deepen the understanding and knowledge of the Buddha. Please refer to our calendar for more information and to register. COMING SOON.
Blessing Programs
Our Monastics regularly offer Blessing Ceremonies for individuals, family, homes, pets and more. Wedding and Last Rites ceremonies are also performed by the Monks. Monthly offerings are listed on our calendar. Please contact us if you are interested to make an appointment.

Available upon request.